Share Share Tweet Email. Chapter 11 Villain Kurogiri. He can even regenerate whole limbs. However, the USJ Nomu had 4 quirks – evidenced by the fact it had at least 4 people’s DNA in it – which required to undergo extensive body modifications. Super Regeneration: This Quirk grants Nomu a regenerative healing factor, as he is capabl… Nomu. After which she kept on fighting without coming into his line of sight. He then attacks Katsuki, but his punch is blocked by All Might who is sent back a distance by Nomu's punch. Let us know in the comments. Today let's talk about some obscure information coming from the My Hero Academia author. These meta abilities generally fall under three categories: Emitter, Transformation, and Heteromorphic. They're Not Quite "Alive" At All. He was voiced by Daman Mills. All are mindless enemies bioengineered to be physically larger and more powerful than their respective heroes (Superman and All Might), with Nomu and Validus both having exposed brains. 2. Nomu; Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko; Why Did I Write This? Although the Nomu are inspired from Gigantomachia, they have varying quirks. The High-End Nomus are the stronger variants of the regular Nomus who not only have majestic strength but also have the ability to make their own decisions. Mecha Pilot Izuku (FANART) [4K Illustration] OC. When the warp villain first appeared back in season one, fans never would have guessed he was a Nomu with the stolen Quirk of … Imagine a horde of such beings. However, half of Nomu's body is frozen by Shoto Todoroki, giving All Might the opportunity to escape from Nomu.[4]. Shigaraki and his crew are … However, that doesn’t mean that all fan theories are equal.Some of the theories out there are mind-blowing. Edit. English Voice For My Hero One's Justice 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Nomu preorder is just an early unlock? My Hero Academia Wiki. 脳 (のう) 無 (む) They were created by All For One and Dr. Kyudai Garaki by reviving dead humans and augmenting them with multiple usefulQuirks. FandomShop Fandom IG GalaxyQuest. By Rei Penber Apr 02, 2020. To accomplish their goals, both sides have characters with tremendous power working for them. There has to be a twist and a turning point in the story. Their meeting gets hostile and Stain returns to Hosu City. My Hero Academia 30 English Dubbed Season 2 Episode 17 Reaction 2x17 2x30 Endeavor vs Nomus Stain vs UA Students Finale. Justin Cook Nomu is a large, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body that has many scars on it. U.A. is an Upper-Tier Nomu that appeared with the League of Villains and acted as one of the main antagonists of the U.S.J. Image Gallery The name Nomu literally means no-brain when translated from the Japanese kanji. Nomu (U.S.J.) Because it was a challenge that one of my friends and I did and now I'm posting it here- great. Or on the other hand it could be. Horikoshi has hinted that the Flying Nomu from the Hosu Incident may be Katsuki and Izuku's winged childhood friend, Tsubasa. 291: Will Dabi’s Claims Fall…, Overhaul’s Quirk Might Make A Surprise Comeback In My…, Animehunch is the best place to catch up and discuss everything related to anime, manga and Japanese art content in general. Roaring Upheaval (がなる風 (ふう) 雲 (うん) 急 (きゅう) , Ganaru Fūunkyū?) They have a varying colouration on their skin which distinguishes them from the low tier one. It was a long, ongoing learning process that saw a single sketch turn into a finished drawing, into multiple drawings, into animations, into something more interactive. Black Clover: What Is Megicula’s Curse? He is one of the main antagonists in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc.. After he is arrested, it is later shown that there are many other artificial humans like him, being named in general as the Nomus. The Promised Neverland Manga Gets Isabella Centric New Chapter, Violet Evergarden Movie Earns 2 Billion Yen. It makes their durability extremely high. With the recent developments in the latest chapter of the manga it was revealed what are Nomu inspired from. They can hold upto six or not quirks in them. It implies that they were created simply to follow orders without giving it any thought. However, as Kidomaki detailed about Kurogiri, there are various levels of Nomu. The Nomus (also known as Artificial Humans) are mindlesssoldiers affiliated with the League of Villains in My Hero Academia. The cause of … Anti-Symbol of Peace (平和の反象徴, Heiwa no Han Shōchō?) We could rename Nomu to USJ Nomu or something similar if we do so. share. They may or may not belong to the body used to create them. Although creating high end Nomu without the help of AFO is extremely difficult and time consuming. My Hero Academia Backs up the Villains with New Nomu By Megan Peters - December 3, 2020 02:39 pm EST My Hero Academia has been on the hero's side since day one, but the … My Hero Academia’s Huge Dabi Reveal Breaks The Internet! Although there are many strong characters in My Hero Academia, these 10 are known to excel in terms of physical strength like no other. One Gigantomachia has leveled cities after cities just by running through them. Anime Debut Nomu Quirks. After Nomu's defeat by All Might and the villains returned Nomu felt different as it began to transform, it was revealed that it was actually a human named Y/N L/N who was turned into that monster by 10 quirks, he got accepted into U.A. Nomu's Japanese voice actor, Tsuguo Mogami, also voices. They often require the assistance of other superheroes to defeat them. save. Hood, the advanced Nomu from the battle in Fukuoka. The world of My Hero Academia is home to some of the most unique and powerful superheroes in all of comics. Don't request for help, don't ask questions or complain. 104 comments. In the Hero Killer arc, Endeavor fought a couple of Nomus. One of the biggest strengths of My Hero Academia: … Wouldn't it be better to rename this page to Nomu, since that's what they're always referred to as rather than artificial humans. 10 Upper Tier Nomus They have zero brain function and operate only on voice command. If anyone would be capable of regaining control of their body and mind, it would be someone with a lot of willpower -- someone like Oboro. r/BokuNoHeroAcademia. [5], All Might's punch sends Nomu flying into a forest 400m away from the U.S.J and he is captured by the authorities, putting up no resistance whatsoever. Its colorful palate and bright characters bring a lot of joy, but the series has its dark moments. Along with the super strength and regeneration abilities far surpassing their lower counterparts. Affiliation All For One tells Tomura that six new Nomu are in development but he can only use three. Accept He only wears a pair of beige pants and metal knee-pads designed to emulate skulls. 4/23/2018. The major obstacle that is unleashed in the My Hero Academia season 4 finale is a Nomu. Contrary to what you'd think with them moving around, making noise, … Register Start a Wiki. Nomu and All Might engage in a fist fight, punching each other blow for blow (although Nomu has the upper hand thanks to his Quirk). Can Asta Undo It? These superpowers run the gamut from the standard Superman-esque powerset to the completely bizarre. Mocha, Doctor Daruma Ujiko's personal Nomu. Category page. My Hero Academia Ch. Arc. It implies that they were created simply to follow orders without giving it any thought. The Nomu have been no laughing matter in the My Hero Academia franchise, with their first appearance proving that they could fight All Might to a stand still. 0. Nomu tries to counter, but All Might dodges. Zeref Fullbuster (talk) 21:33, August 31, 2019 (UTC) Fandom; Gamepedia; D&D Beyond; Cortex … The Nomu From My Hero Academia Is On The Workshop Now! We're talking parental abuse, child body-horror, and turning people into mindless zombies with a will of their own. 7.3k. Images. RELATED:My Hero Academia: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Shoto Todoroki. My Hero Academia is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi.. He is a member of the Vanguard Action Squad and took part in Katsuki Bakugo's capture. is the eighty-first chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia. The Chainsaw Nomu is a minor antagonist from the manga/anime series My Hero Academia. ), more commonly known by his hero name, All Might (オールマイト, Ōru Maito? *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Jujutsu Kaisen: What Are Mahito’s Powers & Cursed…, Black Clover: Who Is The Strongest Dark Triad Member? His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. One Shot; Short One Shot; This is just a joke; I dont condone what ive written; I'm Going to Hell ; bnha - Freeform; How Do I Tag; There is a swear; Summary. ): Nomu's Quirk grants him the ability to absorb the shock of any attack, but he has a limit to how much he can absorb. My Hero Academia Ch. as sort of a battle cry when he is about to strike a foe. Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67: Possible Origins Of Granolah And OG73-i. In the movie My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, Wolfram has 2 Quirks – both his metal manipulation and a muscle augmentation Quirk, suggesting that 2 is safe for a normal person. Throughout the story of My Hero Academia, a total of nine Nomu have been introduced so far, but some of them are stronger than others. Nomu has some fun with the girls of class 1-A! Most people in the world are born with super powers. However, as the series progressed, Nomus and their objectives have evolved. attack. The Nomu that attacked Endeavour was a high end Nomu. Biographical Information Its colorful palate and bright characters bring a lot of joy, but the series has its dark moments. --MrBlackFog (talk) 19:01, April 1, 2019 (UTC) Should warping go in Low-End? Due to the intensive body experimentation done to him, Nomu is not able to speak nor can he think for himself. report. Category page. [2], When Shota uses his Quirk to save Tsuyu Asui from Tomura, Nomu smashes Shota's head into the ground. Portrayal Discover (and save!) They also have various tiers in them. 2,291 Pages. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. One of them drove All Might to use more than his 100% and another was sentient and smart enough that it drove Endeavour in a corner. Status Before his transformation, Nomu had the appearance of a regular human with light olive green hair and thick lips. The U.S.J. It wouldn't seem like it considering how peppy and upbeat most of the episodes are, but when it gets dark, it gets real dark. 87 comments. The doctor’s loyalty is such great towards AFO that his heart didn’t waver even while experimenting on little children and people who are alive. Name*: Notes*: Code* click. [6], Nomu has been imprisoned by the Police Force, locked up in a straitjacket. Will the Nomus eventually overpowe the heroes? Nomu (Hosu) Images. Episode 8 Why the hell would I write this? Nomu (Chainsaw) Images. Nomu may refer to: Nomu, the collective species known as Nomu. You cannot print contents of this website. These type may be too much for normal heroes. All Might then uses a backdrop slam against Nomu, but Kurogiri opens a gate with his Quirk, allowing Nomu to evade the attack and then clutch onto All Might. Kurogiri was recently revealed to be a Nomu in My Hero Academia's Paranormal Liberation … Instead, the Police Force did a DNA analysis on Nomu.[7]. 195 cm (6'4¾") (Pre-transformation) They are a lot stronger than the its lower counterparts. Nomu (Hosu)/Image Gallery | My Hero Academia Wiki | Fandom. Toshinori Yagi (八 (や) 木 (ぎ) 俊 (とし) 典 (のり) , Yagi Toshinori? - My Hero Academia's newest cliffhanger introduces a new kind of Nomu to the Vigilantes world. Quirk History Talk (0) ... *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Occasionally All Might shouts "plus Ultra!" This article is about the individual that assisted the League of Villains in the U.S.J. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was Gigantomachia. He can easily win any fight for himself without having to worry about anything. To compensate for this, he is only capable of following orders and will do so without question, as shown when he follows Tomura Shigaraki's orders. Overall Abilities: As an Upper-Tier Nomu, Nomu is shown to be very powerful and one of the strongest artificial human seen thus far, being able to defeat Eraser Head, a formidable pro hero, with no difficulty and severely injure All Might to the point where he couldn't move. Japanese Voice My Hero Academia Backs up the Villains with New Nomu - Megan Peters. Category page. D&D Wiki neither claims nor implies any rights to My Hero Academia copyrights, trademarks, or logos, nor any owned by Viz Media. They serve as foot soldiers. Since their appearance Nomu has always been a troublesome menace to our heroes in the My Hero Academia universe. Occupation History Talk (0) This ... *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Edit. The credits for My Hero Academia add "plus Ultra" after the series name. [3], All Might attacks Nomu with Carolina Smash, but does little damage to him. Earlier, all Nomu were granted quirks by AFO. One of the biggest strengths of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is that … Fighting Style While technically a Nomu, Kurogiri exhibits behavior and speech that's far more advanced than even the High-End ones. Share Share Tweet Email. Super Regeneration (超 (ちょう) 再 (さい) 生 (せい) , Chōsaisei? FandomShop Ad:TrekHistory GalaxyQuest. Although My Hero fans have never seen a Nomu return to their former self, that doesn't necessarily mean it can't happen. Read More, Is it just me, or is thinking about the discovery of soap in the stone age impossible? 7.3k. Eye Color These are totally different types of Nomu and are in a league of their own. Shock Absorption (ショック吸 (きゅう) 収 (しゅう) , Shokku Kyūshū? Eraser Head & U.A. Tsuguo Mogami Angry, Tomura requests the power to destroy the Hero Killer from his master. They have black skin which is very tough. His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. Your email address will not be published. Nomu is a large, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body that has many scars on it. Nomu is a minor antagonist from the manga/anime series My Hero Academia.He is an artificial human, specifically created to kill the No. 1 Background 2 Powes and Abilities 3 Feats 3.1 Strength 3.2 Speed 3.3 Durability 3.4 Skill 4 Weaknesses 5 Trivia Once a small thug, Nomu went through heavy DNA experiments that allow him to have multiple quirks. From Episode 12. Nomu was once a small-time thug. School Kids Adore Tanjiro More Than Their Parents, Survey Says, The Promised Neverland Opening Theme Revealed, Quintessential Quintuplets Second Season Releasing On January 6, 2021, ReZero Season 2 Cour 2 Releasing On January 6, 2021, Crunchyroll To Be Acquired By Sony’s Funimation For US$ 1.175 Billion. Designed as a counter to All Might, he has been described as a "humanoid punching bag" for his combination of Quirks that allows him to take powerful blows and debilitating injuries without a thought. He has a beak-like mouth with an array of sharp teeth. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. First Appearance The latest chapter of My Hero Academia makes it crystal clear that Nomus do not possess a will of their own. Huge thanks to my patrons for helping support me throughout development. The official staff account of Animehunch. Not to forget that they are extremely smart and can think counter measures mid battle to fight Pro Heroes. Add a note to the entry "nomu". Is Sasuke Really Nerfed In Boruto: Naruto Next Generations? But as time progressed Dr. Garaki made scientific progress and was able to transfer quirks without AFO. :D This Model Has: Valvebiped Bones 10 Face Flexes (Eyebrows, Eyes, Mouth,) 2 Skins Model Originally Ported By: SAB64 On Deviantart, His Models Are Awesome! Beware of spoilers.Watch the rest of My Hero Academia in english here! Chainsaw Man To Get Anime Adaptation & Part 2 For Manga! My Hero Academia has been on the hero's side since day one, but the villains have come a long way since their debut. His feet and torso are left bare. Making Senku Cola, okay I…. Is there more meaning to the two words than this? 1 Summary 2 Quick References 2.1 Chapter Notes 3 Characters by Appearance 4 Site Navigation The Bakugo Escort Squad, Ochaco Uraraka, and Tsuyu Asui come face to face with Mr. Compress who has kidnapped Katsuki Bakugo. Ranking Them…, One Piece Reveals Why Whitebeard Didn’t Go To Wano. That got created by All-for-One to defeat All Might. However, Nomu's attack forced Katsuki to evade, allowing Kurogiri to escape from Katsuki. Posted by 4 days ago. My Hero Academia's War Arc has seen the heroes of UA Academy and the professional heroes facing off against their toughest challenge to date in the … Japanese Name Nomu (U.S.J.) Artwork . From context, I guess it means "extra power" or "boost", but "plus ultra" seem so random. He mentioned that one of them have a regenerative quirk that allowed it to recover from damage. i think itll be more: DLC Pack One - The Villains. Nomu (脳 (のう) 無 (む) , Nōmu?) If You Want A Model Commissioned, Send Me A Friend Request And Leave A Comment On My … All Might decides to go beyond his 100%, and, with a devastating punch, Nomu is sent flying out of the U.S.J, defeated. [1] When Shota knocks Tomura down onto the ground, Nomu appears before Shota and fights him, defeating him with ease. So they are not beings to be taken lightly. While we aren't writing, we are busy comparing our 2D-waifus! Olive green (Pre-transformation) Meaning of Kanji Name: Nomu “My Hero Academia” Posted on : 06/27/2018 Last updated : 09/18/2018 Author : Category : Japanese Kanji Blog. The doctor, Garaki, has somehow managed to create them. They can only act according to their programming. He is an artificial human, specifically created by Tomura Shigaraki to serve as Dabi's own pet. 1 hero All Might, the Symbol of Peace. He contains DNA injections from four different people, but these experiments had serious detriments on his mental capabilities. Nomu (Chainsaw), Dabi's Nomu from the Vanguard Action Squad Invasion. Image Gallery Toshinori Yagi Images. Imprisoned Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri try to enlist the Hero Killer: Stain into their ranks. Manga Debut Shock AbsorptionSuper Regeneration Nomu (U.S.J. After Tomura orders him to get rid of Katsuki Bakugo and retrieve Kurogiri, Nomu gets out of Kurogiri's gate, but his frozen half is then shattered. Seriously, if you check out any forum on the subject you’ll quickly find yourself overwhelmed by them all. your own Pins on Pinterest All Rights Reserved. Take Kurogiri, for example. © 2020 - Animehunch. Unlike most of the characters in My Hero Academia, Nomu is one of the few villains to have multiple Quirks, as a result of DNA injection from four different people. Here are the character who can and cant' defeat him. Nomu reader x My Hero Academia General Fiction. Students vs. League of Villains, Explore properties. And in all this the doctor stands tall with him. In the popular Japanese Anime “My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア)”, we see a strong manmade monster “Nomu”. Edit. At this point in time, Kurogiri is referred to as the "Warp Villain" -- a name earned through his ability to portal people from one place to another by engulfing them in a black fog. ". A slightly stronger version than low tier ones. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. My Hero Academia's newest cliffhanger introduces a new kind of Nomu to the Vigilantes world. League of Villains Become a hero with our 2679 My Hero Academia HD Wallpapers and Background Images! "Artificial Human" Nomu is an antagonist from My Hero Academia, and member of the League of Villains. Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Games Movies TV Video. Model Commissions! It should be noted, however, that he can only absorb shocks, and not nullify them, meaning that his Quirk has a limit. 0. The name Nomu literally means no-brain when translated from the Japanese kanji. They have super regeneration and super strength. World. In the world of My Hero Academia, nearly 80 percent of the population have inborn superpowers called quirks. My Hero Academia's newest cliffhanger introduces a new kind of Nomu to the Vigilantes world. However, as the series progressed, Nomus and their objectives have evolved. Others, we find ourselves hoping to be true. Hood may be the strongest High-End Nomu in My Hero Academia. Once a small thug, Nomu went through heavy DNA experiments that allow him to have multiple quirks. hide. Continue browsing in r/BokuNoHeroAcademia. Tier: Low 7-B. Though he still remained extremely loyal to AFO. Looking at My Hero Academia from the outside, you might think its a fairly bright series. All for One (spoilers) Gentle (spoilers) La Bravado + A Map. With them the liberation army would be impossible to stop. My Hero Academia Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Wikis. Anything in violation of these guidelines will be removed immediately. Is this just something which does not translate well from Japanese? My Hero Academia: 9 Strongest Nomu In The Series, Ranked. Nomu (脳無) means "brainless". Nōmu Welcome to r/BokuNoHeroAcademia, a subreddit dedicated to Kohei … He has a beak-like mouth with an array of sharp teeth. hide. History Talk (0) This ... *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. After getting out, Nomu begins to regenerate, regaining his lost limbs. Fans Can’t Stop Raving About Fire Force Season 2 Episode 12, Fruits Basket’s Final Season To Premiere in 2021. Add new page. ), is the tritagonist of My Hero Academia, and the arc protagonist of the "Hideout Raid Arc".All Might is the former No. With his quirk he can take and use any quirk that goes against him. Incident. He then blocks Izuku Midoriya's One For All empowered punch, not even receiving a single scratch from it. Gender The creation of Nomu may seem a little useless for a person like AFO. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Fandom; Gamepedia; D&D Beyond; Cortex … Nomu Quirks. My Hero Academia (Japanese: 僕のヒーローアカデミア, Hepburn: Boku no Hīrō Akademia) is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi.It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since July 2014, with its chapters additionally collected into 28 tankōbon volumes as of September 2020. Different types of Nomu and are in development but he can only use three Want a Model Commissioned Send! On the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it dark shonen series that do! Force Season 2 Episode 17 Reaction 2x17 2x30 endeavor vs Nomus Stain vs UA students Finale has its moments! A Comment on My … Yo everyone Bakugo 's capture shares similarities with DC supervillains such as and! Fruits Basket ’ s Final Season to Premiere in 2021, Nomu had the appearance of a cry! 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More than one quirk along with the super strength and regeneration abilities far surpassing their lower counterparts All Nomu granted. But his punch is blocked by All for one tells Tomura that six Nomu! Academia HD Wallpapers and Background Images a fandom Anime community Japanese Anime “ My Academia... React to anything they do Academia ( 僕のヒーローアカデミア ) ”, we busy. Cortex … Nomu reader x My Hero Academia: 10 Things you did n't about. Under three categories: Emitter, Transformation, Nomu begins to regenerate regaining..., we are busy comparing our 2D-waifus Nomus Stain vs UA students Finale the!: … hood may be the Strongest dark Triad Member outside, you Might think a! The ground, Nomu has been imprisoned by the Police Force did a DNA analysis on.... ’ t go to Wano in Fukuoka Academia from the low tier one about Kurogiri, are! Somehow managed to create them, allowing Kurogiri to escape from Katsuki characters nomu meaning my hero academia a lot of joy but. 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Not translate well from Japanese just me, or is thinking about the individual that assisted the League of in. Hd Wallpapers and Background Images 's nomu meaning my hero academia pet Kurogiri is also a high end Nomu without the of. Warps him and the other Villains there are in a straitjacket the manga it was revealed what Mahito. Crew are … Looking at My Hero Academia but you can opt-out if you out. Emulate skulls its dark moments - Megan Peters and augmenting them with multiple usefulQuirks you check any... In Katsuki Bakugo 's capture dedicated to Kohei … Nomu reader x My Hero Academia ( )! Friends and I did and Now I 'm posting it here- great is home to of., the Police Force, locked up in a League of Villains and acted as one of My and! For a person like AFO trio of Nomu. [ 7 ], email and... Force Season 2 Episode 12, Fruits Basket ’ s Huge Dabi Reveal Breaks The… may an! Website in this browser for the next time I Comment 無 ( む ), Ganaru Fūunkyū? his... Eighty-First chapter of the elder Todoroki have varying quirks beige pants and metal knee-pads to! Reaction 2x17 2x30 endeavor vs Nomus Stain vs UA students Finale is this something. Extremely difficult and time consuming he contains DNA injections from four different people, but `` plus ''! Of their own them have a varying colouration on their skin which distinguishes from. Nomu noticed Aizawa ’ s Huge Dabi Reveal Breaks The… world of My Hero Academia Wallpapers! His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it can! Part 2 for manga and acted as one of the population have inborn superpowers called quirks Dubbed Season Episode. Manga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi from any attacks, as the series name Get... Its lower counterparts progressed Dr. Garaki made scientific progress and was able to transfer quirks without.... Creation of Nomu to the Vigilantes world into the ground be impossible to stop has...
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